The IFR I miss. The weather and the budget does not allow the real to take a walk very far. Flight Simulator is really dreaming. With a configuration set properly * and rich supplement can really have fun. Last night, the tower Toussus was open on IVAO. I also want to get back to the Cirrus model EagleSoft embellished the Reality XP GNS 530.
The 07 are in service. Only Toussus to open in the corner, tonight on IVAO. I decide on a train departure to Rouen. I guess alos Evreux to cancel, then ask me to come back to enjoy Toussus controller.
The GNS 530 (RealityXP) (distorted) to replace the two GNS 430 base of EagleSoft Cirrus.
Departure is back and so far VLOC mode. The Jeppesen are on the desk. OrbitFly the log is full. From 1000 ft I decide to go into autopilot mode and Alt Heading and not subservient to the GNS. This allows to follow the proceedings and force yourself to be in front of the plane to catch all these little radial departure.
"3 minutes, ready to copy!"
A perfect time to do the EIR: gray.
"Start Evreux 1U initial altitude 3000 ft, 3-4-5-2 transponder, frequency after fledging ... uh ... UNICOM 122.8"
Au (beyond) breakpoint 07L, I align myself stop before
A history of coordination with the tower at Orly ;-) open on IVAO and will perhaps surprise move a slight vertical. you never know on IVAO, they are more used to large WIG craft.
is a good start to organize the Avidyne? TSU OL then standby frequencies for RBT and to bind the EVX EVX1U? It's a little different from 2 VOR receivers needle. It is precisely the goal of the game tonight. Change avionics to ask questions and find answers front of the PC rather than when the big engine rotates and consumes euros.
Note: The Alt Bug is not the Avidyne sync with data from the PA RealityXP. Another thing to investigate.
* In remote RBT to LGL, Flight Simulator has kindly planted, there is ongoing investigation. As I have no problem with the Carenado Mooney and C182, I put in the dock of the EagleSoft Cirrus. Investigation in progress.
A remake.
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