In reality, I had the chance to fly on machines with GNS (430/530). PlusOne planes in San Diego are very often equipped with the GPS. The highlight being the N487SP which has a 530W coupled to an auto-pilot Bendix KAP 140. It's not insurmountable, but especially in a hostile environment (for a pilotaillon), it is better to know the button before ending up on the mini-road at 1500 ft vertical Los Angeles.
Dashboard N487SP of the C172 in San Diego PlusOne
Without reading the doc. and with a little jujotte, is arrived safely use it: to see a moving map, make a direct input a flight plan and follow it, have recovery, see the terrain alerts and even traffic alerts ... etc. ...
If it's so easy why try to train in Flight Simulator?
When it comes to couple it with an auto-pilot, things can get complicated a bit. And often in the cockpit is meant, when you're just not seasoned to the craft: "He will continue it, you think?" (meaning GNS), "But what does he do it why not commit the next leg?", "cow, ke-ki-fai?".
If in addition, we want to use it to practice IFR, it's really better to be comfortable to let the bandwidth available to handle other problems. And "other problems", I know how to create trust me (actual experiences).
OK ... And then in Flight Simulator?
True to my philosophy: no such thing as Flight Simulator to train, manipulate, make mistakes, and try again. And then there's always stuff to learn with these tools diabolical.
There really is only one right answer in Flight Simulator: the Reality XP . I already had one of their product, GNS 530 and 430 in two planes purchased (the A36 and Baron 58 of Dreamfleet). But it was a part of an older version of the Reality XP gauge (not including WAAS) and secondly, these machines are foreign to me because I never flew on for real.
I wanted to have a Reproduction Update in Flight Simulator that I could put in any machine on FS. I broke down and bought myself the latest version of FS2004 GNS530WAAS (€ 37.65 / $ 49.95). Suddenly, I could play with, put it in a C182RG of Carenado (see series of photos at the end of this post), but before that he had to find a AIRAC a little out of date. Let's start hacking away. Jacky mode = ON.
Update AIRAC
One of default (you have to find one) of the solution is that the Reality XP gauge (= what are manipulated in Flight Simulator) based on the Garmin Trainer / Simulator. It is therefore dependent on the database / AIRAC / cycle trainer. Garmin delivers his trainer (version 3) with cycle 0711. Not quite young.
version of the 2007 base in the GNS 530
basic land base is also version 2.00 (see previous screenshot right after install.'s Trainer GNS ).
But all is not lost! There is an excellent post on the forum that puts SimForums - a little - the database updates the trainer (and thus the gauge in Flight Simulator): -free-AIRAC-update-sep09oct09_topic34067.html
For a cycle 0910 and a base field v3.00, simply take four files from the Garmin 600 trainer to replace the GNS 530 Trainer!
The simulator / trainer of the G600 is free on the Garmin this address: https: / / / shop / store / downloadsUpdates.jsp? Product = 010-0G600-00 & cid = 195 & pID = 6427
Once installed the trainer's G600, G600 files are to take the C: \\ Program Files \\ Garmin \\ G600 Trainer \\ GDU \\ db \\:
- basemap.bin
- terrain.odb
- terrain.tdb
- worldwide.bin
These four files replace their equivalent of drag of GNS directory c: \\ Program Files \\ Garmin \\ GNS400W-500W Trainer \\ Trainer \\
Unfortunately this update does not cause GNSS approaches that have been published later
Application "and wham, on IVAO, it does not miss, I forgot to press a button
Simulation Experience last night. I'm Toussus - coincidentally - in line 07. METAR is rotten, it is sitting at his PC
292100Z AUTO 09003KT1000 R25/1800U FG OVC003 03/02 Q1020
I have prepared everything to be like in real life. I take control on IVAO Toussus and CDG. I have a clearance EVX1U, 3000 to the original.
CDG is open, but not the arrival at Orly and a fortiori Villacoublay I've never seen open on IVAO. So after the flight, it will be CDG. One approaches the real, but not perfectly. I prepared my frequency after fledging my VOR media, the departure has returned to the GNS.
In the initial climb, I leave Toussus warmly thanking the player at the other end of the microphone, it's not often that these small lots in Paris are open. I switched to CDG ... There are people on the frequency. I'm still manual. The autopilot is not engaged. The HDG where you have a positive vario, I stumbled on the 320 radial from OL to start my shift to the right and follow the assigned departure. I can link with RBT after NAV1. CDG but I EVX direct vector from the left "with your speed, it should go for P23. At the other end of microphone, so there is control of the world, it is fun.
This vector is not directly intended. And the unexpected is exactly what I want to play on IVAO / Flight Simulator. Alone before my Garmin Trainer, the procedure would place all alone like a variety. Here there is something that changed my plans and I must adapt. Let's go.
I spin in the GNS passes DO77I points, OL, D202E, RBT, D17.5 EVX then select the point, and pressed DCT (Direct) - ENTER - ENTER. J'enclenche PA, NAV mode + ALT ... and nothing happens. Panic on board. The aircraft continued straight ahead. The strange sensation of something already lived life: it does not go as planned, but kékifai? Meanwhile, the aircraft continued to climb in the dark, straight and on the frequency of CDG trade enchainent more beautiful. It adds stress. It is for that.
I rescan my instruments, and after watching the way the PA and keep an eye on speed, heading and altitude ... I discovered the classic mistake of PA + GNS. The famous
VLOC CDI mode (not GPS mode)! The PA does not follow risking anything. Easy to identify, sitting alone in front of his PC, but the burden of preparation, "handling" of the machine even if you stay on Flight Simulator, this essential step escaped me. I press the CDI, the GNS enters GPS mode, the AP responds, I go a little too far, all right, but now direct to the VOR is active Evreux.
is a good lesson, a good thing to keep in mind. Experience in renewable grauitement $ 50 and just waiting to be re-re-performed.
Very short final runway 22 in Rouen. GNS being shown on the capture (it is on the other screen ;-) But it helped me on HOLD ROU and place the ILS 22 (yes, I took a bad habit ;-) Will not remember something with video HBFCs C182 F-Rouen ?
Routed after departing from Rouen towards Toussus in a mixture of LGL omidirectionnel then a truncated BOBSA4T to spin around and Odran enquiller a VOR DME RWY 07L NWT
25R in the final after a TSU from POGO Pontoise
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