There are still ... many. I was stuck on this video 1 Farwest last year. Here it is finished. Episode 7. 6th day of travel.
off Oakland International after having waited for the fog of the Bay of San Francisco we deign to leave holes that can we poor VFR CAVOK we fly to the Sierra Nevada. We had to wait (just to turn around in the Kaiser FBO) as METARs and TAFs are improving. The plane is ready, we loaded and patient in all scaffolding full of Plan B. So go to Yosemite by car, leaving the plane left Oakland to come back later (about 3 hours to go, 3 hours return).
The flight is over (just 1 h) and after a brief stint with NORCAL (hello! Zalez where? What altitude? OK!), Bertrand and integrates very cleanly N487SP poses on the runway sloping Mariposa Yosemite Airport with a little crosswind. Moreover, the field environment is unfriendly for a pilot which must be added plain heat (reduced performance). We were careful and attentive, we did not were leading off (do not laugh, both there at the bottom).
Then, the sketch Dupond & Dupont seeking a place on an empty parking lot ... to decide - on balance - to bring the plane at the pump. In aviation and especially when traveling, the proverb "as soon as you can, refueling, does not it overnight" is to be followed to the letter.
For those who still support the Farwest, put yourself right in the peepers. Subsequently, 2 or 3 episodes still happen. But it long to assemble!
The initial story of this branch is to be read by Farwest'10v1 here.
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