Thursday, January 13, 2011

Kanacca's Secret Review 2010

update cycles Aviation database 1101 for Reality XP GNS430W/530W

Les gauges Reality XP GNS430W/530W pour nos Flight Simulator peuvent enfin disposer d’un cycle entièrement à jour ! C’est la révolution pour tous ceux comme I seriously using this replica ( pay ) Garmin GPS found in many of our small airplanes. After the update described in 0910 in this post, here is the 1101 and the following cycle (for now)!

course, if Flight Simulator Reality XP GNS and do not tell you anything, go your way soon.


The author a message on the forum Reality XP Simforums unveiled how to create the file worldwide.bin updated from an update to a Garmin G600 found on the site of Garmin and that has regular updates. While the "merit" is therefore for LERS and I do illustrate and translate what he described in this message January 10 last.

Finally, the manipulations described below are not really things we do every day. Anyway, me, a hex editor I had not installed on my PC. By following step by step, the information provided by LERS you do, this is not rocket science. In all cases, make backups of everything you change.

In summary ...

  1. Téléchager the last update xxyy by replacing the cycle (1101, 1102, 1103, 1104 ...).
  2. Extract the downloaded file database jg600-ww-xxyy.taw
  3. Editing extract. Taw with a hex editor:
    1. The file must begin with "80 00 01 02 03 04 05"
    2. File must end with "14 00 00
  4. Save the edited file under the name worldwide.bin
  5. Replace worldwide.bin \\ Program Files \\ Garmin \\ GNS400W-500W Trainer \\ Trainer

In detail, it gives:

Download the latest update for G600

download an update to a GPS available from the Garmin website. Must manually create the URL of the download. For example, for cycle 1101 (the first cycle we have updated) and the G600 model (which contains a file of interest), full address is avdb/jg600-ww-1101.exe

for the latest current cycle (1101, 1102, 1103 ...), we can see to this page from Garmin: https: / / / fly-garmin / aviation_database_cycles.jsp



Open the downloaded file (jg600-ww-1101. exe) file with WINRAR (for example). Even if the file extension is. EXE, the file opens with WinRAR as decompressor. Preview the file. TAW in a working folder / temporary. Only the file we want .

Install a hex editor

Download a hex editor, because we will change some data within the file itself. The link provided by LERS SIMFORUMS on the forum points to the Chinese version (not easy for me), choose the language for this hex editor from this page: = HxD

File Changes

After opening the file with HxD (or any other hex editor), with the mouse select the first data (header) to the sequence "A0 FE CA 00 "(see entire selection in blue in the image below for the version 1101). Once selected, do a CTRL + X to delete the data that we not interested. The file must begin with "80 00 01 02 03 04 05" ... etc. ...

Perform virtually the same manipulation for the end of the file ( trailer) from the sequence "00 53 2F" ; to the end (see selection in blue in the picture below). The file must end with the sequence "14 00 00.

Backup worldwide.bin

Save the file (initially jg600-ww-1101.taw in our example) as "worldwide.bin.

Then place this new "worldwide.bin" instead of the same file in the installation directory of trainer / simulator GNS400W-500W (default: c: \\ Program Files \\ Garmin \\ GNS400W-500W Trainer \\ Trainer \\ ).


Enjoy! A GNSS you Toussus and elsewhere!


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