I learned to fly in the Paris region. It was there 7 years now. When I started, the "transit north of Le Bourget" bypassing Paris to the north was already more than a sweet dream or a vague memory. We passed by 3 or 4 checkpoints and under VFR clearance. It was certainly flying right, know and do not improvise. The trajectory still exists on all cards.
"Oulala, even by asking nicely, you know since September 2001, this transit is allowed at all" I was told at the bar of the flying club. There are some exceptional events (like the old flight days of the woman) and derogations with moult preparations. We must show their credentials. So, apart from a few privileged VFR, we toured much further north and it is not over Le Bourget. "It's too dangerous it sir, you understand."
Duly noted.
few days ago, I received a notification for a message posted on the forum PlusOne, my other aƩrclub in San Diego. The topic was "Taxiway Delta transition." And I was quickly reminded this message on this blog. The "Taxiway Delta Transition" is a published procedure to traverse in a north-south over ... International Airport in San Diego (KSAN). Ah yes, I forgot to specify that this procedure skips to 1000 ft and must be in radio contact (there is a class Bravo to cross), but there are also proceedings in a VFR corridor protecting VFR (IFR or outside the corridor is a matter of perspective). It is without radio contact. Just to be out of the BRAVO between 3300 and 4700 ft and it is recommended to connect 126,050 if there would be other aircraft in the corridor. But it is not required.
still keep good morale.
I copied the message forum PlusOne that explains how to do a Lindbergh South Delta Transition: Transition
Delta (South)
To make a smooth transition, your initial call to MYF Tower, don't say you are a straight out departure, tell them you are doing the "Lindberg Delta Transition, South" so they can coordinate your left turn with in/out going traffic. MYF will give you an early freq change to 118.3. Tell Lindberg tower your alt & position (departed MYF at 1000)and say you want the "Delta Transition South". You don't have to ask for the Class B clearance, they know & will provide it. Lindberg tower may ask your intentions after crossing the Delta; tell them "after crossing the bay bridge, descend to 500 agl Westbound along the coastline to Point Loma, Northbound along the coast". They will contact North Island and tell them you are coming. When 'berg switches you to "Island Tower" 135.1(?) tell them the same thing you told 'berg. "over the bridge, wb @ 500 agl, nb thru Bravo". They are military and don't care why you want to go, keep it short, crisp and confident...Direction and Altitude is all they want to hear. Once you pass Pt. Loma and are northbound, Island Tower will send you back to Lindberg again. Ask "Lindberg Tower" for the "Bravo Route NORTH, 500 and below". They will expect you to stay over the water, 500 agl and below, and report reaching Crystal pier. If there is traffic between OB pier and Crystal pier, be prepared to circle @ or below 500 agl until you find them.
I flew the Delta taxiway transition last night and Lindberg was awesome. MYF tower was too busy to coordinate but I called Lindberg just east of Soladad and they gave me a quick clearance at 1500 AGL all the way to the bridge. Caught a great view of the Fedex heavy on short final. Island was happy to clear me to 500 AGL WB to Point Loma. When Island terminates around PLNU, don't forget to call Lindberg to get clearnance for 500' and below over the water. Awesome and easy sight-seeing flight for any level of flight experience.
Whiskey Route
Stay over I-8 @1000 msl westbound to the ocean. This route starts at either San Diego State or Qualcom stadium, depending on where you departed. After SEE freq change, tell MYF you want the "Whisky Route"; they will hand you off to Lindberg Tower @ Qualcom. Follow the freeway all the way to the coast. Usually 1000-ish descending to 500 agl. From MYF, in the Qualcom area ask for the Whiskey Route and expect a hand off to Lindberg.
Echo Route
"Echo Route" is the opposite of the Whiskey Route; Start with an eastbound turn at the Jetty by the roller coaster. Follow the San Diego River eastbound to I-8 Eastbound. If you are southbound along the coast, contact Lindberg at Bird Rock. Ask for "the Bravo Route Southbound, Echo route at the Jetty to MYF(or SEE)". If you are Northbound at Point Loma, when Island Tower sends you to Lindberg, ask for "Bravo Route Northbound, Echo Route at the Jetty to MYF (or SEE). Lindberg will hand you off to MYF at Qualcom and MYF will release you to SEE at Lake Murray. This route is very handy if the fog is closing in fast. I-8 is an easy landmark to follow and will usually lead you out of the fog. Bravo airspace visibility requirements are considerably less than what is required if you try to turn eastbound at Solodad.
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